United States Boston (United States) »

Here, you will find my best pictures from Boston, United States (North America).
Below, you may also see some exquisite Boston Drone Videos and Drone Pictures by One Man Wolf Pack, as well as regular Videos from Boston!

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【4K】Boston from Above | UNITED STATES 2021 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film
【4K】Boston from Above | UNITED STATES 2021 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film
【4K】NORTH AMERICA as you have never seen before 2019 | 1 ½ Cinematic Hours Aerial Film
【4K】NORTH AMERICA as you have never seen before 2019 | 1 ½ Cinematic Hours Aerial Film

【4K】Boston from Above | UNITED STATES 2021 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

4K UltraHD aerial footage of my drone flights on a cloudy in Boston, Massachusetts (United States) around the famous MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) university; project finished & uploaded on 2021-09-13 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage. #drone #boston #unitedstates

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 1039, shots taken in between 2016 & 2021 and video published in 2021) is an extraction of our self-captured Boston 4K Drone Video Footage & Boston Drone Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, please contact us via E-Mail or our Blog.

About Boston: Boston, officially the City of Boston, is the capital and most populous city of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States and 24th-most populous city in the country. The city proper covers 48.4 square miles (125 km2) with a population of 675,647 in 2020, also making it the most populous city in New England. It is the seat of Suffolk County (although the county government was disbanded on July 1, 1999). The city is the economic and cultural anchor of a substantially larger metropolitan area known as Greater Boston, a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) home to a census-estimated 4.8 million people in 2016 and ranking as the tenth-largest MSA in the country. A broader combined statistical area (CSA), generally corresponding to the commuting area and including Providence, Rhode Island, is home to some 8.2 million people, making it the sixth most populous in the United States. // Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private land-grant research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1861, MIT has since played a key role in the development of modern technology and science, ranking it among the most prestigious academic institutions in the world. Founded in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, MIT adopted a European polytechnic university model and stressed laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering. The institute has an urban campus that extends more than a mile (1.6 km) alongside the Charles River, and encompasses a number of major off-campus facilities such as the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, the Bates Center, and the Haystack Observatory, as well as affiliated laboratories such as the Broad and Whitehead Institutes.

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